NEW BEER: 5.5% Puerto Rican Pils

“Great beer, great food, great company…”

There are a few things that you can guarantee yourself when you head to Good Word. Great beer, great food, great company. It’s what we strive for everyday, and it’s what keeps our regulars coming back.

This ethos is our bread and butter and what we’ve been striving for every day since we opened our doors in 2017. We want to build a community around what we do best, what we’re passionate about, and so every time we launch a beer that we think perfectly emboldens that, well we can’t wait to welcome y’all down and celebrate with y’all.

“No Mirrors”, our brand new Puerto Rican Pils has allowed us to do exactly that. Born from a conversation over a beer, naturally, with new friends Manny and Bill who own and run Little Lager in St Louis. Just like Todd, Head Brewer and owner here at Good Word, Manny also has roots in Puerto Rico and they pretty quickly hit it off, reminiscing and laughing over a plethora of lagers. The conversation of making a beer together quickly arose, and heritage was key to the idea.

The concept to brew a lager, reminiscent of a popular Puerto Rican craft beer that’s light, with low bitterness, simple, and refreshingly delicious soon took shape. Weyermann Extra Pale Pilsner malt and rice make up the grist for a beautifully golden, light and crisp base. The addition of plantains in the mash, a staple of Puerto Rican cuisine and a nod to Todd and Manny’s heritage, brought body, colour, and flavour to the base. Hopped with German Amarillo and Saaz, the bitterness has been amped up to Pilsner strength from those low-bitterness island lagers, and carries light floral characters up front, finishing with lingering honeysuckle notes. Incredibly refreshing and easy drinking, it pairs well with warm weather, great company, and a Puerto Rican style celebratory feast!

“We’re incredibly excited to launch this beer, brewed with friends, for our friends, our customers, while celebrating my heritage. The only way to do this was to throw a party and invite y’all down to drink, be merry, and eat great food” says Todd. “Bill and Manny were inspirational in this beer coming to life. Their hospitality was the catalyst for this happening. That’s how important hospitality is to us. Great company creates great beer. Now we’re bringing the great food to celebrate!”

“No Mirrors” launches on Saturday 13th July at our Puerto Rican Pilsner party. First pours, feature cocktails and a Puerto Rican inspired feast featuring roast suckling pig will kick off the day, with the party going on into the night thanks to DJ Freddy Chevy. We can wait to see y’all there!